
Project Press: News-Press coverage!

September 4, 2011

© Terry Allen Williams/
The Fort Myers News-Press featured the Calusa Nature Center in an article in the Tropicalia section this morning. The story mentions all of the new animals and attractions that the center has (no mention of Buffalo Bill!) and also mentions the new mosaic installation.

We're hoping all of the amazing butterflies will help draw in new visitors and potentially bring in donations that will ultimately help the center care for the animals and add new programs.

The Butterfly Project is still under construction. I have several more butterflies to install and still need to finish the grouting. I also have a new tile sign that I will install later this week that will give visitors more information about the mural.

Once the mural is completely finished I will write a press release and contact the local newspapers in order to bring attention to the collaborative aspect of the project. Even though I have completed all of the installation work, the project would not have been possible without the collaboration of the 90 artists that donated artwork.

I'm hoping to have everything finished by the 15th of September. That means putting in extra time in the next two weeks.

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