
(2) Butterfly donations

July 20, 2011

More butterflies fluttered in this afternoon...

Artist Lynn Dubnicka donated two beautifully made butterflies created using stained glass and glitter tiles.

© Lynn Dubnicka

Artist Katie Waller got together with friends Anne Banton, Pat Spano, Marie Cashion & Coe Chamberlain and threw a mosaic making party!

The group created the following gaggle of butterflies...

© (top left) Anne Banton, (bottom left) Pat Spano, (right) Marie Cashion

© (left) Coe Chamberlain, (right) Pat Spano

© Katie Waller

And I finished up my second butterfly using stained glass, millefiori, handmade ceramic shards and small dichroic cabs. This will be my second skelly-fly.

(Don't get too creeped out by the idea of a skeleton butterfly, the Mexican culture believes that Monarch butterflies bear the spirits of the departed.)

© Eve O.

I've been notified that more butterflies have begun their journey to South Florida, so stay posted for more photos!

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